We all want youthful, healthy-looking skin—and there are a variety of treatments that can provide you with that natural, beautiful glow. But which treatment is the right one for you? And how can you improve the look of your skin more quickly?
The secret that patients like you have wondered about is simply this: sometimes, it’s not just one treatment. It’s a combination of procedures that work better together to get you the results you’re looking for. That, *|FNAME|*, is the power of synergy.
Along with the time convenience of overlapping treatments, these procedures often create even better results when performed together rather than during separate appointments. Our skincare professionals look at your whole picture and strategize the best plan—combining complementary therapies and optimizing your results.
We encourage you to try it and see the results for yourself. Now through March 17, 2022, you can take advantage of our Ultimate Tight & Bright: Halo Laser BBL & Lower Face Ultherapy combination treatments. This non-invasive duo is being offered at an incredible packaged price of $3,800 (valued at $4,200!)*:
- Lower Face Ultherapy—Ultrasonic waves target lax skin on the face and neck
- Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser BBL—Improves skin texture, tone, deep hyperpigmentation, and scarring
We only have a limited number of appointments available, so be sure to schedule your appointment now. Let’s get you looking and feeling tight, bright, and beautiful.