Dermatology Blog
Cold winter days can take a toll on your skin, making it uncomfortably dry. Face, hands and feet suffer the worst, sometimes resulting in flaking, cracking, or even eczema. To keep skin supple during the cold season, try these five tips from your skin experts at Compass Dermatology:
1. Keep it down. Turn down shower heat and when you dry off...pat, don't rub, as rubbing irritates skin. Moisturise while skin is still bit damp post-shower. One of our favourites is Lipikar AP. The gentle blend of ingredients is long-lasting and unscented. It's available in a pump version at Compass Dermatology.
2. Use a humidifier in the bedroom. A great time to replenish skin is while we sleep. Improve the air quality and improve your skin.
3. Slather on sunscreen. It's not just for summertime. Winter sun and glare from snow or building reflections can still damage skin. Keep your routine simple by using a moisturizer with built in SPF of at least 30. Hydraphase UV by La Roche-Posay is Dr. Cook's favourite.
4. Give your hands some love. Minimize water exposure. Use cotton-lined gloves when you do dishes, as plastic, rubber or latex gloves will cause hands to sweat and ultimately lead to more dryness. Petrolatum containing moisturisers are key to keeping hands in good shape. Keep it handy: by your kitchen sink, in your car or purse, and at your desk. Be sure to apply often, especially before performing potentially irritating tasks, such as washing dishes. When heading outside, wear gloves to protect hands from the elements.
5. Drink water for health, not for skin. It's a common misconception that drinking water helps you hydrate your skin. Water is good for overall health, but the average persons' skin doesn't reflect the amount of water consumed. The main cause of dry skin is moisture loss due to a dry environment and exposure to harsh shape and detergents, so the best way to keep skin moisturised is following the tips above.
To learn more about other conditions, and how to achieve the best results for skin health. Visit the our site using the button below, or contact us at 647-351-9277.
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